Sunday, 16 August 2009

This is really, not the time.

Four days, and im still moping,
I suck.
Intro: Hey, Im Hannah, And I suck loads, cuz ima loser, and im awesome like that.
What sucks, you may ask.
1- I HAVE GOT NO ONE, TO TALK TO THIS ABOUT, because, they all just care bout themselves, and what happends in their life, only
2-I HAVE SCHOOOL TOMMOROW, this is nooooot the time, because, I REALLY HAVE NO MOOD FER SCHOOL TMRW.
4-Im bored
5- NATHAN keeeeeeeps making me all melty, and weird inside
GRR YOU Nathan, you lil, emo 'MUSLIM'[ i know that hurt you so bad]
6- Ive been in BAD MOOOD, fer like what? four days?IDFK, i dont count, when im outta schoool.
7- umm, okay, we'll stop at 6.
Some asshole, told me, that she was jealous of my hair,
And i was like, HELLS YEAH, you should, because i love it!
and shes like oh, OH WTF, its fake, so whjatever, and then, she just goes on and on, abt teliing how fake my hair is, and I went umm, And yer still jealous bout it? wow, arentchu a sucker.
And she just went, deleted me, blocked me, IDFK, IDGAF and IDFC.

And something from a convo i was having with a certain friend.

Hannah Rheostat , You cant Resist her. says:
, you do know, you cant, always, make ppl happy, and ppl cant always be happy with you either, you cant satisfy everyone so, whatever you know

Yes, its a very, "wise" saying of mine.

xfucking o.
Hannah Hagiophobia.

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